Dr Roger J. Suthren:
Archive of computer-aided learning papers and projects
- A tale
of two courses: how effective are web resources in introductory and advanced
geology classes? A paper by Roger Suthren and Alan Jenkins in session
T138 The Use of Multimedia in Geoscience Instruction: Yet Another Example
of the No Significant Difference Phenomenon? at Geological Society of America
Annual Meeting, Reno, NV, November 2000. Abstract
- Brookes
Virtual Seminar: Finding
and evaluating web-based resources.
- Computer-Assisted
Assessment information and links
- On-Line
Learning Here and Now: Realistic and practical enhancements to teaching and
learning using C&IT 12th July 2000
- Geoscience
2000 talk
- Building
A Geology Website: Using Student Power And Empowering Students. A paper
in the Geology Education session at Geological Society of America Annual Meeting,
Denver, October 1999.
- I am responsible for most of the
course-related web
pages in Geology at Oxford Brookes.
- On-line course handbook for Geology
courses at Oxford Brookes: selected pages
- Panel member of Project
Sisyphus, "designed to facilitate sharing ideas and experiences among
faculty teaching introductory geoscience courses".
- Web
Pages for Geoscience Teaching and Learning. Workshop at University College
London, 6 May 1999.
- Web-based
learning: getting students involved. Also on the ANON
- SET98
and SET99: contributions to National Science,
Engineering & Technology week from Geology at Oxford Brookes
- Virtual
rocks, minerals and fossils for the Web: the colour scanner as an effective,
cheap tool for direct imaging of geological materials: a paper at Geological
Society of America Annual Meeting, Toronto, October 1998.
- Virtual posters and virtual essays
in geoscience courses, Computers & Geosciences (24)7 (1998) pp. 665-671
- Developing
a Geoscience Web Site - Learning by Experience: a recent talk at the UK
Earth Science Courseware Consortium Annual Users' Meeting
- Virtual
posters and virtual essays: a talk at the 1997 UK Earth Science Courseware
Consortium Annual Users' Meeting
- Recent developments have included a virtual lecture
on reefs, virtual
posters in a first year module, and student
authoring of web pages in a third year module.
- I was a member of the Steering
Committee of the UK Earth Science Courseware
- Evaluations of modules/courses:

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27 July, 2004 18:22