The Gorges d'Héric is a deep ravine cut into the Massif of Le Caroux (1091m) by a tributary of the river Orb: the Ruisseau d'Héric. A narrow road follows the river closely and they wind their way up to the village of Héric at the top of the gorge to the north about 6 km from the group of villages at the start of the gorge in the south. The steep faces of the ravine, often vertical or nearly so provide the best natural section through the gneissic dome of the Caroux Massif, and the spectacular augen gneisses can be clearly seen. The structure of the dome is quite complex and its geological history has been the subject of much debate.On our trip we will travel back in time by 300 million years and underground (courtesy of the gorges) by a kilometre. You will be shown interesting landscape, vegetation and, of course lots of rocks and their geology.
Our trip is in ten locations. When you are ready, go to virtual trip. Enjoy yourselves. To find out more about the geological background go to a geology page.
Below are some views you can look at before we start if you wish.
This page is maintained by Paul Proudman, Geology, School of Biology and Molecular Sciences, Oxford Brookes University, Gipsy Lane Campus, Headington, Oxford, OX3 OBP UK
Contact: Paul Proudman, (Tel) (UK) 00 44 1865 483212 (email)
Last Modified: 25 June -03