title strip

virtual field trip active map

Active map including hot spots for locations Location 1: low grade metamorphic schists Location2: as at 1, but with diferent orientation Location 3: down at the stream 1 Location 4: stream 2 main site for auden Location 5: more abundent augen at roadside Location 6: broader band gneiss Location 7: aplite dykes Location 9: pockets of schist in strain shadows Location 10: isoclinal folds Location 8: large z folds

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The Gorges d'Héric
is a ravine up to about 500m deep cut into the massif of Le Caroux (1091m) by the Ruisseau d'Héric. The road to the tiny and pretty village of Héric follows the river and they wind their way up to the village at the top of the gorge to the north about 6km from the group of villages at the start of the gorge in the south.

Location map medium scale

Location map (drawn by Paul Proudman)



The Bridge about half way along the route of this VR field course


Location map small scate
Map showing the location of the Gorges, north of Narbonne and North West of Béziers (drawn by Paul Proudman)

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This page was written by Paul Proudman, Geology, School of Biology and Molecular Sciences, Oxford Brookes University, Gipsy Lane Campus, Headington, Oxford, OX3 OBP UK

Last Modified: 25 June 2003. Minor editing by Roger Suthren, March 2013