from Water
![MSH hot stream. 37 Kb](hotwater.jpg) |
Hot stream flowing
from the crater area, Mount St Helens. Photo by Roger Suthren
geothermal gradient
is the vertical change of temperature with depth, measured in degrees Kelvin per
kilometre, °K km-1
units of geothermal
heat flow are Joules per square metre per second, Jm-2s-1.
However, one Joule per second = 1 Watt (W), so that heat flow is usually expressed
as Wm-2, or more conveniently, mWm-2 (milliwatts per square
- The above metric units
replace the heat-flow unit (HFU), which is still in common usage in North
American literature
- 1 HFU = 1 cal cm-2s-1
(1 calorie per square centimetre per second).
- For conversion purposes,
1 HFU = 41.8 mWm-2
Heat flow is determined
by measuring geothermal gradient in a borehole and thermal conductivity of the
rock drilled.
Heat sources for
geothermal energy are:
- Conductive heat from
the mantle
- Heat generated in the
crust by decay of radioactive isotopes of U, Th and K
- Shallow magma bodies
acting as local heat sources
Classification of areas
of the earth's surface, according to geothermal potential:
- non-thermal areas,
geothermal gradient 10 to 40 °K km-1
- thermal areas semithermal
areas, geotherm up to 70 - 80 °K km-1
- hyperthermal areas,
geotherm many times greater than in non-thermal areas
Promising areas for geothermal
exploration are associated with one or more of these indicators:
- recent volcanic activity
- frequent seismic activity
- high level of conductive
heat flow
- hot springs, geysers
or fumaroles
Requirements for a hydrothermal
- heat source - often
magmatic, resulting in high geothermal gradient
- bedrock layer - more
or less impermeable
- aquifer/reservoir -
permeable, fractured, providing heat exchange surface of large surface area
- source of water replenishment
- caprock - impermeable
seal and thermal insulator (often formed by 'self-sealing' )
to information sources on the Web
are just a few of the thousands of links to geothermal energy information on
the Web.
Geothermal Exploration
Online books
resources by region
of Geothermal Energy
of Geothermal Exploitation
references on geothermal energy
- ------. 1988. Drawing
heat from the earth: geothermal energy technology in Britain. Department of
Energy, London.
- ------. 1982. Investigation
of the geothermal potential of the UK. - A review of data relating to hot
dry rock and selection of targets for detailed.... Institute of Geological
Sciences, London.
- ARMSTEAD, H.C.H. (ed.).
1973. Geothermal Energy, Review of Research and Development. Unesco.
- ARMSTEAD, H.C.H. 1983.
Geothermal Energy. 2nd edition. E & F.N. Spon.
M (eds). 1995. Geothermal energy. Chichester, Wiley.
D.A. (Eds.). 1986. Geothermal energy : the potential in the United Kingdom.
London, H.M.S.O.
G.V., RIEKE, H.H. & FERTL, W.H. (Eds.) 1982. Handbook of Geothermal Energy.
Gulf Publishing Company.
- ELDER, J. 1981. Geothermal
Systems. Academic Press.
- GALE, I.N. 1984. Investigation
of the geothermal potential of the UK. - An assessment of the geothermal resources
of the United Kingdom. British Geological Survey, London.
- KELLAWAY, G.A. (Ed.).
1991. Hot Springs of Bath. Investigations of the Thermal Waters of the Avon
Valley. Bath City Council.
- RINEHART, John S. 1980.
Geysers and geothermal energy. New York, Springer-Verlag.
L.J.P. 1981. Geothermal Systems: Principles and Case Histories. John Wiley
& Sons.
- Journal of Volcanology
and Geothermal Research.
- ------. 1981 The Earth
[Videorecording] : structure, composition [and] evolution. [Programme 9] :
Geothermal energy. Milton Keynes : Open University. (Science : a second level
- ------. 1996, S268 Physical
Resources and Environment. [Programme 6] : Renewable Energies. Milton Keynes:
Open University.
![Porkchop Geyser. 19 Kb](porkchop.jpg) |
Geyser, Yellowstone, in 1989. Since this time, a large steam explosion has
destroyed the geyser. Photo by Roger Suthren |
- high volcanic plateau
in a region of active major crustal extension, probably related to hot spot
- active volcanism for
at least the last 2.2 Ma
- predominantly rhyolitic,
with subordinate basalts
- 3 major silicic eruptions
associated with caldera collapse and voluminous ash-flow sheets at
- 2.0 Ma (collapse
of 30 km diameter caldera, 2500 km3 ash flows)
- 1.3 Ma (250 km3
ash flows)
- 0.6 Ma (900 km3
ash flows)
- Composite caldera 70
x 45 km
- New influx of magma
and resurgent doming from about 150,000 B.P
- large, shallow silicic
magma body:
- ?45,000 km3
- total heat content
of 1.125 x 1023J, or 2.687 x 1022 cal
- responsible for much
of present hydrothermal activity
- latest eruption ca.
70,000 BP (rhyolite lava)
A variety of geophysical
anomalies coincide with the 0.6 Ma caldera:
- T greater than 350°C
at very shallow depths
- low density
- large convective and
conductive heat flow
- magnetic low
- low seismic velocities
- high seismic attenuation
- lack of earthquake
foci deeper than 3-4 km beneath caldera
- sharp increase in electrical
conductivity at ca. 5 km depth
- historical record of
inflation and deflation
All this indicates that the
magmatic system is still active, and that magma underlies much of the caldera
at 5-10 km depth (as little as 3 km in the east?).
The hydrothermal system:
- recharge from meteoric
waters from precipitation mainly on mountains to N and NW
- waters convect to depths
of 4-5 km within caldera, reaching max. T of 350-430°C
- convective heat discharged
by the system is ca. 1.7 x 1017J yr-1
- 20% increase in heat
discharge in 1983, year before the Mt. Borah earthquake
- activity has occurred
at this level for at least the last 15,000 years
- is system cooling down
or heating up?
- thermal energy from
cooling of already crystalline rocks, from crystallizing magma, or both
- recent uplift suggests
injection of new magma and/or liberation of fluid from crystallizing magma
- most hydrothermal activity
occurs within the 0.6Ma caldera, close to ring fracture or at margins of resurgent
domes, also along N-S fault system (e.g. Norris, Mammoth)
- reservoirs mainly permeable
rhyolite flows at various depths, sandwiched between impermeable ash-flow
- in W part of Park,
hot water systems dominate
- eastern systems are
vapour-dominated (fumaroles, mudpots etc.)
- reservoir T ranges
from 180 to 270°C
- springs emerge where
faults cut basins
- most springs are neutral
to slightly alkaline, and deposit siliceous sinter
- no exploitation of
geothermal resources is likely in America's largest National Park
References: FOURNIER,
R.O. 1989. Geochemistry and dynamics of the Yellowstone National Park hydrothermal
system. Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences, 17, 13-53.
![Valles caldera. 22 Kb](valles.jpg) |
of part of the Valles Caldera, New Mexico, showing the large resurgent dome
where much hydrothermal activity is located. Photo by Roger Suthren |
- occurs at the boundary
between the Colorado Plateau and the extensional Rio Grande Rift
- in the Rift, high heat
flow is concentrated towards the W margin: highest heat flow values 250-670
- closely related to
Quaternary volcanic centres
- thus, local large igneous
source is superimposed on large regional zone of high heat flow
- volcanism in Jemez
Mts more or less continuous for the last 13 Ma, with a peak ca. 1.1 Ma ago
(major ash flow eruptions)
- bimodal basaltic/silicic
volcanism, with magma chamber >>3km depth
- Valles is a resurgent
- recharge from streams
fed from perched water tables in near-surface volcanic and sedimentary rocks
- some recharge from
deep-seated geothermal waters
- springs occur either
at intersections of perched water table with topography, or where there is
upward movement of water along faults
The geothermal/hydrothermal
- within the caldera
is a high T hydrothermal system
- main resource is a
liquid-dominated, underpressured system
- T up to 330°C
- surface expression
is hot springs, fumaroles and rock alteration.
- production mainly from
fractures in pumice-rich basal 300m of Bandelier Tuff
- wells 1500m to 2700m
- graben faults very
important in controlling movement of hydrothermal fluids
- as they move down the
hydraulic gradient, hot fluids cool and mix with colder ground waters, resulting
in low enthalpy systems
- low T hydrothermal
systems within the Jemez Mountains are exploited for balneology (look it up!)
and small-scale space heating
The hot dry rock system:
- W of Valles is hot,
dry rock of low permeability
- at Fenton Hill, two
3 km deep holes have been drilled, reaching T of ca. 200°C
- holes connected by
hydraulic fracturing to produce heat exchange surface
- low water loss so far
- in 2nd test, depth
of 4 km and T of 250°C reached
- heat reservoir is impermeable
Precambrian basement.
C.O. 1982. Valles caldera geothermal systems, New Mexico, USA. Journal of
Hydrology, 56, 119-136.
L., GARDNER, J.N., VUATAZ, F.D. & GRIGSBY, C.O. 1988. The hydrothermal
outflow plume of Valles Caldera, New Mexico, and a comparison with other outflow
plumes. Journal of Geophysical Research, 93 (B6), 6041-6058.
GARDNER, J.N. And BALDRIDGE, W.S. The Valles/Toledo Caldera Complex, Jemez
Volcanic Field, New Mexico. Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences,
18, 27-53.
- Resurgent
Calderas and the Valles Caldera
- Jemez
volcanic field & Valles Caldera, New Mexico
- Geothermal
potential of Valles Caldera (pdf)
This page is maintained
by Roger Suthren. Last updated
2 December, 2021 4:06 PM