Read the instruction page and work through the recommended web sites before attempting the quiz.
The questions can only be answered by reference to the diagrams and maps in the printed handout provided.
You may attempt the quiz as many times as you like. If there are questions which you get wrong, attempt them again until you understand the problem.
What are the characteristics of short period volcanic earthquakes? (p. 1)
There may be more than one correct answer.
What are the characteristics of volcanic tremor? (p. 1)
There may be more than one correct answer.
Study the graphs relating to basalt lava eruptions of Pu'u O'o crater, Kilauea, Hawaii in 1986 (p. 2, fig. 3). Which of the following statements are true?
There is more than one correct answer.
What is the interval between the onset of lava eruptions at Pu'u O'o? (p 2, fig 3)
One answer only.
1-7 days
14-20 days
21-28 days
29-35 days
36-43 days
44-50 days
What changes in seismicity occurred at Pinatubo volcano prior to the major explosive eruption of June 15-16 1991? (p. 2, fig. 4). N.B. upper diagrams are maps, lower diagrams are cross sections.
Choose 2 answers.
Examine the ground elevation plot for Krafla volcano, a basalt lava volcano in Iceland (p2, fig. 5). MASL = metres above sea level. What is the cause of the sawtooth pattern?
One answer only.
Repeated gradual uplift followed by gradual subsidence
Repeated gradual uplift followed by rapid subsidence
Repeated rapid uplift followed by rapid subsidence
Repeated rapid uplift followed by gradual subsidence
None of the above
What caused these changes in ground elevation at Krafla?
There may be more than one correct answer.
To the nearest centimetre, what was the maximum vertical uplift at Kilauea volcano, Hawaii, prior to the August 1971 eruption? (p. 3, fig. 6)
Type your answer in the text area below.
To the nearest kilometre, what was the diameter of the inflated area?
Now answer the following questions: What is the vertical distance (in metres, to two decimal places) from present sea level to the base of the bored part of the columns at Serapeo, the Roman market:
Type your answer in the text area below.
How much of the vertical height of the columns was bored by marine molluscs? Give your in answer in metres, to two decimal places.
How did ground tilt change before and after the 1989 eruption of Etna? (p. 3, fig. 8).
One answer only
Gradual inflation of the volcano before the eruption, followed by rapid deflation afterwards
Sudden inflation of the volcano before the eruption, followed by gradual deflation
Small inflation and deflation episodes, accompanying an overall inflation before the eruption
Small inflation and deflation episodes, accompanying an overall deflation before the eruption
Fig. 7 on p. 3 shows changes in lengths of several different lines between benchmarks on Mt. Etna. Each EDM survey line is several km long. What was the maximum increase in line length during the period 1981 to 1991? Type in a number, to the nearest metre.
Type your answer in the text area below.
Which line showed the smallest length increase from 1981 to 1987? Type the number of the line (for example 10-11) in the box..
Which lines showed negligible length increase during the 1989 eruptions? Select all correct answers.
Page 4 shows various records from Mount St. Helens, leading up to the April 1982 eruption (smaller than the famous May 1980 event). What changes did the volcano show before and after the April 1982 event?
Select all correct answers.
On 12 March, how precise was the prediction of when the eruption would occur ('predictive window')? (NB dates are in N American format, so 3/12 is 12 March, NOT 3 December).
One answer only
18 days
20 days
22 days
24 days
What was the predictive window on 15 March?
One answer only.
1 day
3 days
5 days
7 days
9 days
What was the predictive window on 19 March?
One answer only.
1 day
2 days
3 days
4 days
5 days
Which towns and villages on Mt. Etna are most at risk from lava eruptions? (p. 6)
Select four answers.
What are the main risks to the urban areas around Puget Sound from an eruption of Mount Rainier? See hazards map on the USGS web site.
Choose more than one of the following options.
Compare the hazards map for Mount St. Helens (p. 7), constructed before the 1980 eruptions, with the USGS map showing the actual effects of the eruption. Which hazards were successfully predicted?
Choose more than one of the following options.
The diagram on p. 8 shows the hypothetical effects of a major caldera-forming eruption (600 times bigger, in terms of volume of material erupted, than the 1980 Mount St. Helens eruption) at the Phlegraean Fields (Campi Flegrei) volcano, Italy, immediately west of Naples. Which of the following local, regional and global effects of such a cataclysmic eruption are predicted by this map?