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These links and readings are provided to support the Sedimentology module at the University of Derby, and are in addition to the classes, and the course and practical notes available from the University of Derby web site. It is not necessarily given in exactly the same order as in the course.
Textbook references are to:
TUCKER, M.E. 2001. Sedimentary Petrology: an introduction to the origin of sedimentary rocks. 3rd edition. Blackwell Scientific Publications.
JAMES, N.P. & DALRYMPLE, R.W. 2010. Facies Models 4. Geological Association of Canada. (or equivalent chapters in earlier editions by Walker and James)
Marine and continental clastic sediments
Continental margin and oceanic sedimentation
- Tucker, chapter 2, section 2.11.7; chapter 3, section 3.7.2; chapter 9, section 9.3
- James & Dalrymple, chapter 13
- Talling, P.J., Paull, C.K. & Piper, D.J.W. (2013) How are subaqueous sediment density flows triggered, what is their internal structure and how does it evolve? Direct observations from monitoring of active flows. Earth-Science Reviews, 125, 244-287.
Online lectures, tutorials & reading
Virtual field trips
Turbidites and submarine fans - modern
- NOAA Ocean Explorer 3D Astoria Canyon
- Visible Earth - Bathymetry of the Los Angeles Margin
- The Bengal Fan
- California seafloor mapping program
Turbidites and submarine fans - ancient
- turbidites
- turbidites
- turbidites
- turbidite channel
- turbidite onlap
- soft-sediment folding
- spectacular submarine landslide deposit - download article [pdf]
Pelagic sediments
- NOAA Ocean Explorer: Muddy sediments
- pelagic cherts
- ferromanganese nodules
- coccolithophore bloom in the Celtic Sea
- plankton blooms off North America
- Plankton can save the ocean (New Scientist)
- microscopic photos of the 'deep ocean flux'
- submarine fan processes [16 mins]
- experimental turbidity currents 1: read the text, then watch the movie (large Quicktime file)
- experimental turbidity currents 2: read the text, then watch movie
- experimental subaqueous debris flow: read the text, then watch the movie (large Quicktime file)
- experimental unconfined subaqueous debris flow: read the text, then watch the movie (large Quicktime file)
- experimental turbidity currents 1: watch the movie (very large Quicktime file), but worth the wait!
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