The Maurine Red Marl

The Maurine Red Marl


Age: Maastrichtian (> 65 My.)

Thickness: 20 to 30 metres

Fossils: Dinosaurs, turtles, birds, crocodiles, fishes, plants, fresh water mussels...


These are purple-coloured marls, relatively homogenous but with a lot of pedogenetic features like calcareous nodules. Dinosaur eggs and bones are really abundant in this formation. It is in this unit that the Bellevue excavation has taken place for more than 10 years.

The sediments represented here are fluvial overbank and channel deposits, modified by soil-forming processes.


The Maurine Red Marl at Bellevue The Maurine Red Marl at Bellevue
View of the upper part of the Bellevue Quarry.
Detail of the marl with traces of burrows.
The Maurine Red Marl at Bellevue The Maurine Red Marl at Bellevue
A piece of bone in a conglomerate block.
A long bone of Titanosaur





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